Photo Gallery

These are some favorite pictures of kitties. Some are kitties we raised, some are kitties we showed, and some are just some fun pictures.

I often get asked how our kittens get along with Dogs? The picture on the left was sent to me 3 weeks after receiving their kitten Ozzie… with the caption “This is truly a case when a picture is worth a thousand words!” Our former sire GC Verismo T Rex is on the right with a older kitten. Rex sired some very nice kittens for us.
GC, RW Stormytown Marty McFly at 9 months of age. Marty is a great example of what we strive for here at Stormytown. Lots of power and a beautiful pattern.
This is Stormytown Tequila! He lives with his sister Maya in Vancouver BC, Canada. He is leash trained (as is his sister), and he does lots of tricks. Have I mentioned that he is gorgous? He has his own Facebook page. To see movies of his tricks, do a YouTube search for “Tequila Maine Coon”!
This is Sophie and Cooper. They are are a Stormytown pair of kittens pictured in their beautiful Wisconsin home. Cooper is a big goof, and Sophie is a little bit more adventuresome, as the picture on the right portrays.
The litter on the right should have been half Red and half Brown. Obviously “Mother Nature” did not get the MEMO! GC Verismo T’ Rex was a former Sire here at Stormytown. He is a true “gentle giant”. On the right he is “helping” me paint a room !! He is supervising from the top of the ladder. Rex is such a good boy!
The picture on the left is pretty self explanatory. On the right, Ricky and Van watching a Sugarland video on the computer. I think this is one of the cutest pictures I have ever taken. You can see…. the ARE really watching the Video! This picture was on the Sugarland Website for a long time. How adorable is that?
What a rainbow of kittens Brooke had! 
Two beautiful pictures of Stormytown Dolly Chava of Lufre in Switzerland. 
Carly is our resident dog, and trains the kittens how to get along with any puppies that you may have.  Dino was our first Sire here at Stormytown. What a personality he had, and he passed it on to his kittens!
On the left is a Patch kitten with a sign on the deck that tells the story of life here at Stormytown. On the right… a typical Stormytown litter at 3 days old.
Twin girls with their buddy, in Nashville. On the right, the Boys love  kitten in Minnesota. This is why we do this hobby !!
Stormytown Chief Zaire at the Grand Canyon with Steve & Erica.

This page is a constant work in progress. Check back occasionally for some new pictures!